Terms Of Use

Visitors using this website are deemed to have accepted the following terms. Therefore, read the terms of use before using the site. The content on our site and all pages linked to it belong to Netterloan Company, the owner of alternatives5.com. Visitors are subject to the following conditions while using all the services offered on the site. While the visitors continue to use the site, they are deemed to have read and understood this agreement and accepted the terms of use, and the legal actions to be processed in accordance with the current legal rules in case of legal events that may occur within any problem.

This contract is indefinite and may be terminated jointly or unilaterally. It imposes the rights and obligations of the parties on the site that is the subject of the contract, and when the parties accept / approve this contract online (online) or in writing, they declare and undertake that they will fulfill the aforementioned rights and obligations in a complete, accurate, timely manner, within the terms requested in this contract.


Alternatives5.com always reserves the right to make changes on the contents of the site. This site accepts and undertakes that the visitor will benefit from its services free of charge, except for technical malfunctions.

The user agrees in advance that he will not take any other action for the purpose of finding or obtaining the source code of the site, otherwise he will be liable for the damages that may arise before the third parties, and that legal and penal action will be taken against him.

The user will be solely responsible for the damages he may incur due to incomplete and incorrect information he has given while communicating with the site, and that alternatives5.com may unilaterally terminate his membership without any notice or warning, in case he gives false information and in case of breach of this contract by the Members. accepts.

The name and Internet Protocol (IP) address of the Internet service provider used by the owner of the website, Netterloan Company, for the improvement, development of alternatives5.com and / or to access the site within the framework of legal regulations, the date and time of accessing the site, the pages accessed while on the site, and Some information may be collected, such as the Internet address of the Web site, which provides a direct connection to the site. The user agrees to the collection of this information.

The relations of the visitors with each other or with third parties are their own responsibility.


All proprietary or unregistered intellectual property rights such as title, business name, trademark, patent, logo, design, information and method on this site belong to the site operator and owner company Netterloan Company. Visiting this site or utilizing the services on this site does not grant any right to such intellectual property rights.

The content on the site cannot be reproduced, published, copied, presented and / or transferred in any way. The whole or part of the site cannot be used on another website without permission. In the event of such a violation, the user will be responsible for meeting the amount of compensation requested from the company due to the damages incurred by third parties and all other obligations, including but not limited to court costs and attorney’s fees.

The company can change the services offered on the site and the terms of this contract, partially or completely, at any time. Changes will be effective from the date of publication on the site. It is the member’s responsibility to follow the changes. Members are deemed to have accepted these changes by continuing to benefit from the services offered.

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